Saturday 8 September 2012

Pictures from last weekend

I'm holed up in my room this weekend with a nasty cold, this really is no fun when the weather is so lovely out. I unfortunately had to bail on this weekends plans with friends, which does not make me a happy monkey at all.
On a more positive side I have had some great pictures back from last weekends shoot.
These two are my favourite from Calvin James Photography

Creating this shot was a bizarre experience, I was literally sat on tarpaulin in my pants while the photographers wife sprayed me with water, in their living room! Its this kind of thing that really makes me love modeling though, you never know what craziness will happen next.

I adore this shot in my Rubber Monkey Latex set, I've worn this alot in shoots recently, I think its all shot out, but I do adore it.

The next shoot was with Adam Hoskins Photography  An up and coming photographer who is quite local to me, so I popped over for a shoot.
These are my favourite s from Adam, again in my Rubber Monkey set with added gloves :)

These two were taken in my Stella McCartney lingerie set, its gorgeous and I think it works really well with my tattoos :) I'd like to shoot some more in this set.

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