Saturday, 17 November 2012


Well, I had a really awesome month in October, not only did I have TWO huge stage shows, including the amazing Antichrist, I was also published in Bizarre magazine, including a full page picture!

 So far November has been pretty quiet compared, hopefully from tomorrow that will all change, as I am shooting an amazing leather harness I've had handmade for me, it looks stunning! Plus my rubbery outfits from the October shows.
I will also be milling about at the Alt and Burlesque Fair in Birmingham on the 24th promoting TwistedPix, I hope to see some of you there.

Ok, so I've been asked a few times about my beauty regime, I certainly don't do anything extreme, its all pretty basic really, my top tips would be,

1. Drink plenty of water, I pretty much only drink water now
2. Get plenty of sleep, that keeps my complexion looking fresh
3. Moisturize everyday to keep the skin in good condition
4. I take cod liver oil capsules, they help my hair, skin and nails stay in top condition
5. Don't wear too much makeup!!

Obviously I wear alot of makeup if I'm on stage or shooting, but in day to day life I don't wear too much, I love a simple, retro/pin up look, with red lipstick if I'm going out.
Just some concealer if I need it, liquid eyeliner, eyebrows penciled in a little, black mascara and abit of eye shadow.

As for the products I use, I don't use anything overly expensive as I don't think those products are worth the money at all, here are some of my favourites.

I use this Vitamin E moisturizer from Superdrug every day, it is SPF 15 which is important to protect skin from the sun, especially as I like to maintain my pale complexion. I always have at least SPF 15 on in the summer months.

My favourite facial scrub is Biore pore unclogging scrub, its divine. Unfortunately I've been finding it harder to get hold of, as it keeps disappearing from my local chemists, I have used it for years and its been wonderful on my skin.

This is the hair protection spray I use for heat protection, its Superdrugs own brand and works just as well as the more expensive ones. Its vital to use a heat protection product for blowdrying, tongs and straighteners, my hair goes very dry with damaged ends if I don't use it.

I've had alot of comments on my eyebrows and questions on what pencil I use, well I've fallen in love with this one by Rimmel, I use it in Black/Brown, as its not as harsh as black but is dark enough to go with my hair colour. The main thing I love about this is the brush on the lid, it makes it so easy to get the perfect arch.


Those are a selection of products I use everyday, there are afew more which I will post another time, but I hope that is useful to anyone who has asked me about this.
Let me know if you have any questions or anything specific you would like to see a blog post on.

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